About Me

As-Salāmu 'Alaykum wa-Rahmatullāhi wa-Barakātuhu. This is MeD (or meskuku), a Muslim (following the creed of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamā'ah) on the internet who just so happens to be the owner and active maintainer of this site.

I follow the Maliki Madh-hab, both in 'Aqīdah (i.e., "Athari") and Fiqh, and am fluent in Arabic (native), English (learned), and French (forced). As for my personality, I don't really know how I can describe it but in short, I'm a person who tries to improve himself constantly and who values privacy and anonymity, so I would never reveal my identity or hint towards it in any way, especially because it's irrelevant to what I seek to convey and because that'd lead to a lot of ad-hominem related to race, age, and level of scholarship; all you need to know is that I'm a fellow Muslim who wants to spread the message of Islam with your and other Muslims' help, all grounded on scholarly foundations and references.

I have an inherent interest in computers, free software, Italian/Mexican/Middle-Eastern cuisine, and going deep the obscure internet (sub-)culture, whereas I dislike society itself and everything related to real-life socialization. You can read some of what attracts you among my personal articles below to know what's really going on inside my mind, because it's really hard to express my likes and dislikes in such a bland presentative way.

That's about everything I have to say. If you read until this far, I hope you take benefit from my site. Jazākallāhu Khayran! :3

Personal Articles


I don't have any social media other than this website for privacy reasons (it might seem weird that I have a Discord and Telegram account (which are privacy nightmares), but I kept them just to get in touch with some of my friends). However, if you ever thought about contacting me for any reason whatsoever including talking with me about Islam, this site, or just idle chatter, then I care and I'm there for you:

Email meskuku@disroot.org
PGP PGP Public Key
XMPP meskuku@xmpp.earth
Telegram @meskuku
Discord @meskuku

Contact Rules

I have a set of rules that you need to abide by if you ever try contacting me:

  1. I only accept plain text emails. HTML emails will be discarded.
  2. Use quotes (>) when quoting my statements as to reply to each statement individually.
  3. Any kind of blasphemy, spamming, and childish whining guarantees blacklisting.
  4. Encryption on XMPP (with OMEMO) is obligatory and I won't respond if you don't turn it on. Encryption on email (with PGP) isn't obligatory but is highly encouraged.
  5. Death threats should be done directly at my physical residence (that which I'm not going to disclose), with you holding an AK-47 to my head. Any other form of death threat will be dismissed, and you will be blacklisted.