

Due to the nature of certain discussed topics on the site, there may be, in some articles, certain unavoidable uses of language and descriptions that some may find unsuitable, unbefitting, repulsive, or offensive. Uses of such language and details are contextually necessary, although frequently limited. It's not of the islamportal project's intention to be rude or vulgar, but to keep up with the broad objective of topics that are dealt with.

Also, please understand that this site is a heavy work-in-progress and will always be! Certain elements may be used as placeholders for future referrals and might or might not work as originally intended.


Help is really, really wanted. I need people to contribute to this website, because I can't really keep up with the project alone. I used to work on this project alongside a dear friend of mine (i.e., Fumiyako) who apparently emailed me a self-destructing Pastebin (on April 19, 2024) whose contents, if I remember correctly, had something about "vanishing from the internet" and "never turning back around due to personal reasons," but in order to avoid some sort of public shaming or backbiting I wouldn't talk about it any further. It was a true heartbreak when I heard about this, I've even considered closing this project for good.

If you ever wanted to contribute to this site, to give out your feedbacks, or to submit a correction or a hint towards any error, then never hesitate to contact me (i.e., MeD). Jazākallāhu Khayran for reading!


There is nothing in the islamportal project which incites violence nor suppression against any particular individual, group, or segment of society, and if you think it does then you're either a delusional fellow that's misinformed about freedom of speech or just plain retarded. This project exploits its legal freedoms of speech, as protected by Articles 18 and 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as regional laws in the U.S. and elsewhere, in order to express deep rejection against certain views and ideologies without resorting to a direct callout for violence or suppression against its adherents.

Thus, any moronic attempts to censor the contents of the islamportal project or to deny the legal rights to convey such information in the interests of public audiences is a serious violation of human rights and is outright an exercise of ideological terrorism. If parts of this site offend you or your ideas; close the tab and look away.

In addition, please note that the islamportal project may link to external sites whose views are solely of their correspondent authors, and thus don't necessarily represent the views of the authors. We, as the authors writing this disclaimer, assume absolutely no responsibility for any damages or breaches of any law resulting from the contents of such links.


Throughout this project, the Arabic name "Allah" is used to refer to "God." Common Arabic terms are also used, and a full list of these terms is available on the Glossary of Terms.

In addition, if found in titles, descriptions, and quotations, the honorifics "(ﷻ)" and "(ﷺ)," meaning "may His glory be glorified" and "may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him," are used after the names of Allah and Prophet Muhammad (respectively) as a sign of love and respect. The use of honorifics for Allah, the Prophets (including Muhammad), and the companions of Prophet Muhammad was omitted elsewhere not out of disrespect but for the sake of brevity and ease of reading.


There is no copyright on Islamic materials. This work is fully open-source (on Codeberg) and is under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0 1.0) license. Absolutely no rights are reserved to the authors. This is a green light for reproduction. You have the right to do as you wish with our works to further spread the message of Islam; copy, paste, cite, edit, distribute, and redistribute.